This past year I decided to take art classes for fun at the university I teach at. I'll admit I was a little naive with how time consuming it would be to be taking college level art classes, but I loved all the classes I took. Last spring I took a handbuilding clay class and a watercolor class. In the fall I took a wheel throwing class. I fell completely in love with clay and spent most of my free time in the studio. Our final project was to create a placesetting for at least four people with a minimum of 12 pieces. This was an incredibly challenging project for students new to throwing. Plates are a challenge to beginners as well as centering larger weights of clay.
I was completely humbled to be a student again. Having to adhere to all the same deadlines as the other students, I found some weeks nearly impossible to meet deadlines when life and work got busy. There were a couple nights I was in the clay studio late at night with a bunch of other students feeling that late night deadline crunch. (I can empathize so much more with my students now!)
More posts soon!
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