Success! There was almost a huge mishap (read below.)
The recipe is from
The Sriracha Cookbook. The recipe from this book for the bread can be found online
It's delicious.
I made bbq pulled pork today. I went to the little grocery store down the street to grab a pork shoulder, but the only pork they had was a pork tenderloin. Although it's not recommended to make pulled pork from something so lean, it turned out awesome.
Pulled Pork with tenderloin:
1/2 pork tenderloin
1 cup ginger ale
1 onion
pinch of salt, pepper, cumin
I chopped up the onion and put it on the bottom of the crock pot. Then I rubbed the tenderloin with the salt, pepper and cumin and layed it on top of the onion. Then I poured the ginger ale on top and allowed to cook for 6 hours on high.
* Sometime in between I made bbq sauce. See my recipe for bbq sauce below.*
Then I drained the contents of the crock pot, saving the onions and pork. I put everything back into the crock pot. Using two forks, I pulled the pork apart, poured the bbq sauce all over, and cooked on low for and hour and a half.
SO good! The tenderloin was not dry at all. It was awesome and it really seems unnecessary to use a fatty piece of pork to make pulled pork now that I've done it with a lean piece.
We ate the bbq pork on top on a slice of the sriracha bread...IT WAS AMAZING! SOooo delicious.
BBQ sauce recipe: (I made half of this)
1 cup ketchup
¼ cup dark brown sugar
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 heaping Tbsp brown spicy mustard
3 Tbsp soy sauce
7-8 small squirts of Sriracha
Right before you put the loaf into the oven to bake, the recipe tells you to spray water on all the oven walls generously and to spray the top of the loaf generously. No problem.
After I put the loaf in the oven, I saw the squirt bottle sitting on the counter. I started yelling "OH Noooooo........NOOOOOOO..." as I started to cry. We have two identical squirt bottles, both containing clear liquids. One is labeled "Bleach & Water" and the other is not labeled and contains only water.
Which one was sitting on my counter? Yep, the bleach and water bottle. Shit.
I looked up stuff about consuming small amounts of diluted bleach and it didn't seem like a huge deal. The top of the bread only got three squirts I think.
No traces of bleach smell or flavor were around and the bread was completely normal. Whew.