

Sunday, November 7, 2010

math cupcakes

Yesterday my university had "Ram's Day", where local high school seniors (mostly from Austin and Houston) come to visit HT. For the math department's table, I baked over 100 mini cupcakes and decorated them with math-y stuff.


I didn't post a picture, but last Sunday I got the cutest goody box left at my doorstop from Amy:


Notice the siamese squash and baby eggplants! So cute! I've had great veggies and herbs to be eating all week.


(K) said...

best thing to find on your doorstep ever! btw i'm making that delicious cake this week (but with creme de menthe instead of amaretto)

Monica said...

yum! let me know how it turns out. xo.

Anonymous said...

Those cupcakes are super cute :)