I've been knitting a lot. I made this scarf for Ashley for her birthday.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
naan for breakfast.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Friday!
I found what might be my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. But now I can't remember where I got it, so I can't post the link. boo.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thyme and Cheese Biscuits
I was woken up to a phone call of some bad news at 4am, so afterwards I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided since I was hungry and worried that baking would be a good idea. Thyme and Cheese biscuits, which have rosemary, thyme, cheddar cheese, and parsley in them. Really good and easy to make.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
These are pumpkin with cream cheese frosting. My mom bakes better ones, but these were still good. [ recipe ]
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
much better friday!

Happy Friday! I'm off of crutches and pain is pretty low finally! woot. This week has been incredibly stressful and busy..and now I have to grade a ton of exams, but grading math tops dealing with insurance stuff any day.
Have a great weekend! I'll be celebrating Ashley's upcoming wedding with her and friends :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009
halloween + peeper <3
Tonight we carved the pumpkin and made sugar and cinnamon pumpkin seeds (so delicious).
butter + brown sugar + cinnamon + honey. 325 degrees for 25 minutes..so delicious:
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
cherry preserve thumbprints.
I was in a baking mood tonight, so I made some cookies from a recipe Amy recently posted on her food blog: raspberry jam thumbprints. Mine are cherry preserves. And hers are much cuter. :)
I can't wait to have one for breakfast. Sweets for breakfast are my favorite. You wake up and haven't drank any water for hours (or eaten anything for that matter), so sweets taste sweet x 1,000,000.
I made my "thumbprints" large because I go heavy on any type of sauce/syrup/powdered sugar pile/whatever. My french fries are swimming in ketchup, my sandwiches are loaded with spicy mustard, my pancakes are smothered in powdered sugar...
Monday, October 19, 2009
making a canvas.
I refuse to pay the ridiculous $$ that large canvases cost, so I always build my own. I usually have access to someone's drill, but I didn't this time. I think I'll invest in one soonish.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009
bridal invites.
I met up with Stephanie, Ashley's maid of honor, a couple weeks ago to make homemade bridal invites.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Happy Saturday!!
Okay, I missed Friday...so Happy Saturday!
I (almost?) finished the dress form a while back. I should put more layers on it, so I'll probably do that and cover it with some type of gloss/finish. A dent appeared while drying, so I have to try and fix that, too. I used the form to start making a skirt. Pretty exciting because I have never sewn anything using a dress form before. It's so convenient. Before I would constantly try the piece on after each step of sewing. very annoying.
My smoothie was really green this morning, sort of funny and cute:
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
late this morning, my TA from UNIV 110 showed up at my office and gave me a cupcake she made! Somehow she knew I was thinking of cupcakes earlier in the morning? :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
tonight I sewed this clutch. pardon the multiple errors; choosing to use vinyl on the inside was ridiculous. my sewing machine hates sewing vinyl and so do many needles. I had to hand-stitch quite a few parts because of this.
this was my FIRST time using a pattern...for anything. I don't like using patterns. first off because I hate reading directions and second because I feel like it limits my creativity. something about using a pattern seems like cheating. I'm the same way about cooking. I always want to change something in a recipe at least slightly, so it's my own. okay, okay but I decided to try for the first time ever... a pattern! I added my twist though. they obviously did not design slot holders for quarters and keys :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
sunday muffins.
In grad school I would bake a bran "muffin-loaf" every couple weeks to eat for breakfast. I own muffin pans now, so I finally baked them as muffins.
I always use this recipe, but I use applesauce instead of oil and use half whole-wheat flour and half regular. I also cut back slightly on the sugar because I like to slice the muffins in half and press them into natural cane sugar + cinnamon.
I had a lonely carrot in the fridge, so I shredded him and threw him in there.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
first weekend in town in the last month! I've been playing catch up on a very long to-do list. Today has included grading exams, visiting the farmer's market, swimming in the ocean, shopping at Michael's, vacuuming, and making homemade hummus (artichoke/sundried tomato/parmesan).
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
I want.
1. a picnic with a good friend
2. a professional massage (never had one..)
3. a gourmet cupcake
4. to watch the sunrise on the beach

Sunday, September 13, 2009
This weekend was Danielle and Ty's wedding out at the beach in Charleston. And....I married them!
I made this magnet to give to them along with the gift I got them off their registry.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
espresso fudge brownies
I used this recipe, and added two heaping tablespoons of instant espresso. Oh, and took them out early to be fudgy.
dress form.
I've wanted a dress form for years. They are expensive new and awkward and pricey to ship. I came across an idea online (here) on how to make your own. I blended two of their ideas together. I made a shell on myself out of duct tape (taping over a dress I didn't mind cutting up), cut up the front, took it off, and duct taped it back together. Then I put a first layer of paper mache. The beginning stage is pictured above.
I still need to put more layers of paper mache on. It's not perfect, but still should be great for sewing...it only cost me $4..the cost of the duct tape!
** special thanks to daddy for giving me the pvc to make the stand! **
Monday, September 7, 2009
creamy banana pear popsicles.
I needed to use the last couple pears from the farmer's market, so I made creamy popsicles.
2 small pears + 1 banana + plain yogurt + agave nector + vanilla soy milk
The pears were similar to asian pears, but really really sweet. I've never had a pear anything like these. The popsicles are great, but I think I wouldn't puree the banana next time around. I got one banana chunk in the popsicle and I really liked it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
After an eventful Friday night in Atlanta, Amber woke up on Saturday and made an amazing breakfast casserole from scratch:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Grading essays. This is so foreign to me.
In other news, I am really bummed to not be able to audit a ceramics course this semester. I was going to have lots of weird clay objects for you to laugh at here on the blog, and now I won't. I also wanted to make the wedding people for on top of Brad & Jamie's wedding cake. boo.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
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